

“A Constitutional Way”: Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, and a Loyal Opposition (University of Virginia Press, Forthcoming 2023).

Patrick Henry: Proclaiming a Revolution (Routledge Press, 2017).

Religious Freedom: Jefferson’s Legacy, America’s Creed (University of Virginia Press, 2013; paperback 2014). History Book Club featured alternate June 2013.

Wellspring of Liberty: How Virginia’s Religious Dissenters Helped Win the American Revolution & Secured Religious Liberty (Oxford University Press, 2010).


w/ Andrew J. O’Shaughnessy and Marie-Jeanne Rossignol, European Friends of the American Revolution (University of Virginia Press, Forthcoming 2023).

w/ Jon Meacham, In the Hands of the People (Random House, 2020).

w/ Peter S. Onuf and Andrew J. O’Shaughnessy, The Founding of Thomas Jefferson’s University (University of Virginia Press, 2019).


“A Wall Between a Secular Government and a Religious People,” Roger Williams University L. Rev. 26:2 (Spring 2021): 545-619.

“Jefferson, Madison, and Adams: Conversations on Religious Liberty,” in Rival Visions of the Early American Republic, eds. A. Bibby & D. Gish (University of Virginia Press, 2021).

“Thomas Jefferson: Icon,” in Thomas Jefferson: Critical Insights, ed. R. Evans (Salem Press, 2020).

“A Religious Republican and a Republican Religion,” in Jeffersonians in Power: Ideas in Practice, eds. J. Freeman & J. Neem (University of Virginia Press, 2019).

“‘Caesar had his Brutus:’ What Did Patrick Henry Really Say?” Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, 126:3 (Fall 2018): 282-97.

“The Virginia Statute for Establishing Religious Freedom,” in A Companion to Thomas Jefferson, ed. F.D. Cogliano (Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, 2011): 75-90.

“FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM: Virginia Dissenters’ Struggle for Religious Liberty during the American Revolution,” Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, 116:3 (Fall 2008): 226-61.

“Trade and Agriculture, and Lumber,” Kansas J.L. & Public Pol. XIV (2005): 413-47.

w/ Joneja and Zeldovich, “WTO Dispute Settlement: Litigation or Negotiation?” Int’l Lawyer 37 (2003): 697-752.

“Can the WTO DSB Live Up to the Moniker ‘World Trade Court’?,” Law & Pol’y Int’l Bus. 31 (2000): 739-68.

“The Information Revolution – Culture and Sovereignty,” Canada-U.S. L.J. 24 (1998): 155-63.